After the blowing process, our glass ornaments have to be silvered. This step involves some chemistry knowledge! Crystal clear ornaments could be painted right after blowing but this way we would simply make stained glass – the same thing as on the Church windows. And...


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How Christmas Baubles Are Made – Part Three
When the metal mold is polished and mounted on a special stand, we can set it on the blowers table. We use only top-quality sodium glass pipes to maintain the highest quality of our glass ornaments and decorations. Now, we need lots of heat in order to start shaping...

How Christmas Baubles Are Made – Part Two
Before we can blow glass ornaments we must print the model on a 3D printer in order to move on to the casting process. We start with the final retouching of the model and refining tiny details as everything will be visible on the glass bauble. The printed model is...

How Christmas Baubles Are Made – Part One
There is always the same reaction from our customers: ‘your ornaments are amazing! I love your designs! That’s really a masterpiece! How do you make these? You definitely have some complicated machines, robots, and production lines!’ The funny thing is that we don’t....